Functions of Schools
(i). To study Environmental problems and their effect on human health and agricultural productivity, water pollution and water scarcity, air pollution, soil degradation, deforestation, loss of bio diversity, atmospheric changes etc.
(ii). To evolve risk management, restoration and rehabilitation solutions, strategies against natural disasters such as drought, floods, earthquakes, forest fires etc.
(iii). To encourage people to adopt various methods of energy savings, energy efficiency and use of non-conventional energy, use of solar and wind energy, biomass, bio gas, gobar gas to protect the ecosystem.
(iv). To evolve techniques of watershed management, supply and conservation of water resources, Protection and development of lakes, streams and rivers.
(v). To popularise the concept of sustainable development. Emphasis the link between environmental degradation and poverty in rural area.
(vi). To study the interconnection between population growth, poverty, loss of productivity and environment. The mutual reinforcing interlink between sustainable growth and economic development of rural area.
(vii). To study the clean environment concepts and community health and sanitation management issues in rural area.
(viii). To evolve innovative technologies to manage our water resources more efficiently. Micro irrigation technology using appropriate devices, especially manufactured locally, for semi arid, rain water dependent agricultural area. Conjunctive water use methods to be encouraged even in irrigated area.
(ix). To study various issues involved in the management of natural resources and sustainable development which is key to eradication of poverty in rural area.