Karnataka State Rural Development & Panchayat Raj University, Gadag

Rural Roots, Global Heights

Shri. Thawar Chand Gehlot

Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka and
Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Priyank Kharge

Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, IT & BT, GoK,
Pro-Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Prof. Dr. Suresh V. Nadagoudar

Registrar & Vice-Chancellor(Acting),
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Prashantha J.C

Finance Officer,
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Thawar Chand Gehlot

Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka and Chancellor of University

Shri. Priyank Kharge

Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, IT & BT, GoK, Pro-Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Prof.Dr. Suresh V. Nadagoudar

Registrar & Vice-Chancellor(Acting),
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Mr. Prashantha

Finance Officer,
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Cells NSS

NSS Advisory Committee First Meeting Proceedings

The National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit in University was started from the academic year 2019-2020. The University has four units, where NSS enrollment is compulsory for all the admitted students to enhance their social service skill. NSS Unit has been very active in conducting various activities and special camps. NSS Program Coordinator and Program Officers have undergone ETI training, Mysore