Karnataka State Rural Development & Panchayat Raj University, Gadag

Rural Roots, Global Heights

Shri. Thawar Chand Gehlot

Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka and
Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Priyank Kharge

Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, IT & BT, GoK,
Pro-Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Prof. Dr. Suresh V. Nadagoudar

Registrar & Vice-Chancellor(Acting),
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Prashantha J.C

Finance Officer,
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Shri. Thawar Chand Gehlot

Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka and Chancellor of University

Shri. Priyank Kharge

Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, IT & BT, GoK, Pro-Chancellor, KSRDPR University, Gadag

Prof.Dr. Suresh V. Nadagoudar

Registrar & Vice-Chancellor(Acting),
KSRDPR University, Gadag

Mr. Prashantha

Finance Officer,
KSRDPR University, Gadag

School of Agribusiness Management

Functions of Schools

AgriInnovate: Advancing Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Solutions

Enhance Crop Strategies

Promote research in crop production to ensure food and income security for farmers.

Inclusive Agri-Marketing

Develop marketing systems and supply chain management to strengthen agricultural linkages.

Boost Farm and Non-Farm Income

Coordinate between agricultural business and rural development schemes to enhance income sources.

Secure Financial Support

Facilitate finance, credit, and crop insurance for farmers to mitigate market and price uncertainties.

Policy Recommendations

Suggest policies to improve productivity and profitability in agriculture and allied sectors.

Integrated Farming Systems

Promote farming systems focused on human nutrition and sustainable practices.

Market Research & Extension

Conduct market studies to provide timely feedback and extension services to farmers.

Export-Oriented Agri-Business

Develop strategies to harness export potential, especially in organic and medicinal crops.